The Dam Behaviour Analysis Software Environment (DamBASE) provides a framework for statistical analysis of dam behaviour.

Within the DamBASE, multiple linear regression models can be set up, validated and compared. Different analysis tools support the model evaluation, by detection of statistically significant influence variables, analysis of residuals and detection of autocorrelation and multicollinearity, for example. Procedures for statistical analysis are based on the R environment that is integrated into the software. This concept facilitates the extension of the software and the definition of new regressors by R scripts. The software is available for free as binary or source code.
Download and Install
DamBASE download
Version 1.0 / Relase: 27. May 2015
Windows versions
No admin privileges necessary for installation
Admin privileges necessary for installation
In addition to the manual, an introduction to the topic written by Dr. Benedikt Weber is available (in German only):
Vorhersage des Verhaltens von Talsperren mit Hilfe des Soll-Ist-Vergleichs — Statistischer Teil
Source Code
- The development of the software is financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). The software was written at VAW ETH Zurich by Marco Gerber in collaboration with Marius Bühlmann and Dr. David Vetsch. The software is a reimplementation and extension of the Software DamReg (also commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)) written by Dr. Benedikt Weber.
- The basic methods and ideas used in the software originate from the reference report by the former working group on numerical methods of the Swiss committee on Dams headed by Dr. Georges R. Darbre (Swiss Committee on Dams 2010 - Analysemethoden für die Vorhersage und Kontrolle des Verhaltens von Talsperren).
Bühlmann, M.; Gerber, M.; Vetsch, D.; Boes, R.M. (2015). Dam behaviour analysis with the DamBASE software, Proc. Second International Dam World Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 391-400.
Bühlmann, M.; Vetsch, D.F.; Boes, R.M. (2016a). Influence of measuring intervals on goodness of fit of dam behaviour analysis models, Proc. 13th ICOLD International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, Lausanne, 317:325.
Bühlmann, M.; Gerber, M.; Vetsch, D.F.; Boes, R. (2016b). Statistische Analyse des Verhaltens von Talsperren mit der Software DamBASE, Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, Wallgau, Deutschland, 914-923 [in German].