BASEGRAIN is a MATLAB-based automatic object detection software tool for granulometric analysis of top-view photographs of fluvial gravel beds.

BASEGRAIN is handled via a graphical user interface (GUI), which enables post- and preprocessing as well. A quasi grain size distribution is calculated following Fehr’s line-sampling method (VAW, 1987). Alternatively, a quasi grain size distribution can be derived by using information of each separated grains area and the related a- and b-axis. In case geotagged photographs are analysed, georeferencing is done automatically. Results are exported to EXCEL-file and GIS-file formats.

BASEGRAIN was developed by Martin Detert at the River Engineering division of the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) at Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2015, the software has not been developed further.
Windows 10 and 11
Download BASEGRAIN2p3_Installer.exe (size 7 MB)
without MCR 9.12 (external page Matlab Compiler Runtime). If MCR is not available it will be installed from the web during the installation process.
Download BASEGRAIN2p3_Installer_mcr.exe (size 955 MB)
including MCR 9.12
Windows 7 and 8 (deprecated)
Download (size 11 MB)
requires installation of external page MCR 8.4
Source code
The Matlab source code of the software can be downloaded at:
external page Detert, M. (2020). BASEGRAIN. DOI: 10.5905/ethz-1007-347
Release History
Release of BASEGRAIN 2.2 for Windows 10 and 11
Release of BASEGRAIN 2.2 to public for free, including bugfixes.
Release of BASEGRAIN 1.0 to public for free.
An example application of the software including files is provided in the tuorial:
Download BASEGRAIN 2.1 Tutorial
- external page call_made WLV – Office of Torrent and Avalanche Protection (A)
- external page call_made FOEN (BAFU) – Federal Office for the Environment (CH)
- external page call_made AW – Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (D)
- chevron_right Sedimetrics – Digital solutions for environmental granolumetry (UK)
Detert, M., Weitbrecht, V. (2020). Determining image-based grain size distribution with suboptimal conditioned photos. River Flow 2020, Uijttewaal et al. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978- 0-367-62773-7, pp. 1045-1052.
Detert, M., Rachelly, C., Brezzi, L., Biggs, H. (2019). Image-based 3D measurement of size, location, and orientation of gravel grains. 11th River, Coastal & Estuarine Morphodynamics Symposium (RCEM 2019), Friedrich et al. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978- 0-473-50422-9, p. 39.
Stähly, S., Friedrich, H., Detert, M. (2017). Size Ratio of Fluvial Grains' Intermediate Axes Assessed by Image Processing and Square-Hole Sieving. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143 (6).
Detert, M., Weitbrecht, V. (2012). Automatische Objekterkennung zur Bestimmung der Korngrößenverteilung von Flusssohlen (Automatic Object Detection for Grain Size Analysis of River Beds), In: Dynamik des Sedimenthaushaltes von Wasserstraßen, 14. Gewässermorphologisches Kolloquium am 09/10. November 2011 in Koblenz – Veranstaltungen 3/2012, BfG, Koblenz (D), pp. 67-75.
Fehr, R. (1987). Geschiebeanalysen in Gebirgsflüssen (Grain Size Analysis in Torrents), Mitteilung Nr. 92, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW), ETH Zürich, Zürich (in German).
Graham, D.J., Reid, I., Rice, S.P. (2005a). Automated sizing of coarse grained sediments: Image-processing procedures. Mathematical Geology, 37(1): 1-28.
Graham, D.J., Rice, S.P. and Reid, I. (2005b). A transferable method for the automated grain sizing of river gravels. Water Resources Research, 41: W07020.