Version 3.1.1

(March 2021)

 Bug Fix Release v3.1.1


  • The appearance of the JSON editors in the GUI has been improved. In particular, validation messages (warnings, errors) are now displayed in a corresponding color (yellow, red) and new icons were added.
  • The menu bars of the GUI have been restructured. In particular, there is now a "Recently Opened Directories" item that can be used to reopen a recently opened scenario.
  • The "Save" button in GUI is now disabled when the scenario directory is invalid or when there are no unsaved changes. In situations where there are unsaved changes, the application now asks the user for confirmation when closing the application.
  • The external OP2 library was updated.

Bug Fixes

  • A parallelisation issue in the fixed bed correction algorithm was fixed.
  • HDF5 files larger than 2 GB were not handled correctly on Windows. This issue has been fixed.
  • Due to a bug, the starting time of the tracer kernels was delayed by a small number (t0 + 1e-12 instead of t0). This has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • Model setup fails if there is a dot ‘.’ in the working directory path. For example: “MySimulations/Sim1.1/" does not work, while “MySimulations/Sim1_1/” works.

Note: Existing installations of BASEMENT version 3.0.1 (or earlier) are not automatically detected by the updated installer. Therefore uninstall any previous version of BASEMENT e.g. using the link in the Start Menu before installing the newest version.

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